ShadoSafe: Safety. Simplified.
The objective of ShadoSafe is to provide a totally integrated and systematic process by which to: analyze exposures; identify hazards inherent within those exposures; train on incident prevention; investigate incidents; identify suitable remedies; enlist executive-level support. These initiatives will lead to fulfillment of the ultimate objective - developing more effective and efficient operations by preventing injurious and disruptive incidents.
The program is entitled ShadoSafe because safely performing all tasks is a constant - we cannot separate ourselves from its presence, much like our shadow.
The Three R s :
Relevant: ShadoSafe provides timely, pertinent hazard analyses based on real workplace exposures and the inherent hazards posed. Based on this analysis germane training programs and other prevention and control measures can be developed and instituted.
Responsive: ShadoSafe allows for rapid intervention in the analysis of incidents that do occur with the goal of identifying and implementing effective corrective measures. The program also responds in real time to the introduction of new equipment, employees, and processes within the workplace along with the accompanying hazards and challenges posed by these in order to prevent incidents.
Respectful: ShadoSafe draws on the employee s knowledge, experience and skill level to identify hazards and solutions while also providing a template of the key elements of incident prevention training, incident investigation, causal factor analysis and corrective measure development.
Outline and Structure
I. Exposure Analysis, Hazard Identification and Training Component: SURE = Sense, Understand, Respond, Evaluate
1. Two Modules at present: Construction and General Industry
2. Addresses major exposures and program elements i.e., Manual Material Handling, Electrical Safety, Mechanical Material Handling, Scaffolding, Excavations, Hazard Communication
3. Identifies relevant OSHA Standards for the exposures
4. Builds awareness of the related ambient conditions of which to be aware (i.e., body positioning, visual focus, lighting) = Sense
5. Requires the participant to recall important training concepts as well as recognize skills developed and experience accrued by the user over time to apply to the task at hand = Understand
6. Provides a framework for completion of the task in as safe a manner as possible = Respond
7. Allows for a constant review of the methods employed in order to either improve the methods themselves or to refocus participant s attention on methods that are: inherently sound but were not applied; were applied improperly; sound but involved a momentary lapse in the awareness of the conditions = E valuate
II. Garnering Management Attention
Relevant metrics that are usable and proactive.
III. Incident Investigations
A one-page form which scripts the incident investigation report from a purely safety perspective requiring the supervisor to only fill in the details as to when, where, what, how and why. Incidents are categorized into the following types:
Struck By
Struck Against
Caught Between
Contact With
Fall Same Level
Fall - Different Level
Vehicle Collisions
Loss of Vehicle Control
Corrective measures driven by the above investigations are divided into two headings:
A. Awareness Improvement Discussion = AID: Incidents with relatively minor outcomes which resulted from an awareness deficit.
B. Advanced Hazard Analysis = AHA: Incidents with more severe outcomes which require a more formal analysis on the part of senior management regarding procedural deficiencies, training deficits, equipment defects and process inadequacies. This investigation leads to the following: Measures to Ensure No Duplication = MEND.
IV. Regulatory Compliance
As given above each SURE chapter references actual operational regulations for OSHA. This particular section addresses administrative requirements: recordkeeping; training requirements; medical surveillance.